Please remember the following in your prayers:
First and foremost, let us not forget to thank our Heavenly Father for answered prayer. We are witness in our lives to many of these answered prayers and comfort. Thank you, Heavenly Father.
Our church family
Please pray for the following in our church family:
- For Ben Wilkinson, who is in hospital with a suspected broken rib and hip injury after a fall
- For Carol Collinson, who has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
- For Carey Williams, who is recovering from heart problems
- For Stephen, Anne and Dawn’s meighbour, who has throat cancer
- For Tracy who has lung cancer
- For Jayne Irlam of the Baptist Deliverance Study Group, who died suddenly, without known cause; and for her family and friends
Answered Prayers
- Ian’s mum, Jean, is now much better, thanks to prayers for her health. Thank You Lord
- Dawn’s daughter-in-law has been given the all-clear from cancer. Thank You Lord
- The biopsy on June’s nose has reported back clear. Thank You Lord
- Rita and Morris’s grand-daughter, Emma, who contracted Covid at a critical time in her pregnancy was made well overnight – even though she did not know we had prayed for her the day before! And she has gone on to give birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy weighing 8lb 11oz. Thank You Lord
- Anne has been allowed to leave hospital. Thank You Lord
- Anthony Perkins, the Mexborough man who was knocked down on the dual carriageway, is now out of ICU in hospital, with no tubes attached whatever. He faces a long recovery but he is alive and recovering. Thank You Lord
- Carol’s brother Sean who had an operation last week which, after prayers, went wonderfully well. Thank You Lord
- Kirsty, who enjoyed her birthday last week, after prayers brought about her recovery from illness. Thank You Lord
- Nain, our Welsh viewer, is recovering well after her recent fall. Thank You Lord
- Rita Dudhill has now had wonderful test results showing she has no cancer whatsoever. Thank You Lord
- Little Alfie is now CANCER-FREE, after years of battling illness, aided by our prayers. Thank You Lord
Intercessionary Prayers
- Please pray for those people who attend our church and coffee morning, who are missing the company and support of their church family as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic that has closed our buildings.
- Pray for the isolated and lonely – help them to be reassured through our prayers that God is with them and their families and through our prayers and that He will uphold and comfort them.
- May God put His arms around us all and help us feel the reassurance and love of prayer in these times.
- Pray for God’s reassurance and love for our friends, our families and our community.
- Pray for our country and our world in the current turmoil of Brexit and Covid that we are facing daily.
- Pray to our Heavenly Father that His will be done throughout it all.
- Please pray for all who are feeling the intense stress of life and loss during this period, and pray that they will turn to our Heavenly Saviour.
We ask these things in and through the name of our loving saviour Jesus.

Doris’ Gift
Following the funeral of Doris Mansell, her family kindly asked that this beautiful wreath be displayed in the chapel, for all the congregation of Conisbrough Baptist Church to enjoy. We hope the image of this lovely tribute will serve as a lasting memory of Doris, who enjoyed many a coffee morning with us.